
WEA-RA and NEA-RA Elections



December 5-8,2022

  • Nominations and confirmation of candidates. Candidates may submit electronic statements of 100 words or less and a picture for each position.

December 8-9, 2022

  • On-line ballot/survey is prepared. Electronic statements and candidate pictures are posted at the website and distributed via email if available.

December 12 through December 15,2022 (4 work days)

  • Members vote and complete a survey online. Voting closes at 4 p.m. on December 13.

December 16, 2022

  • Results of election and survey posted.


WEA-RA (Washington Education Association Representative Assembly)

  • 6 Delegate Positions

  • 2 Successor Delegate Position

  • At least two delegate must be an ethnic/minority member of color

NEA-RA (National Education Association Representative Assembly)

  • 2 Delegate Positions

Description of Positions:  WEA-RA and NEA-RA Delegates

All Delegate Positions:

WEA-RA Delegate:

  • WEA-RA delegates represent OHEA at the WEA Representative Assembly in Spokane April 13th through 15th, 2023.

  • Term of Office is one year.

  • Receives transportation, lodging, and a stipend to cover meals and other expenses for RA attendance.

WEA-RA Successor Delegate:

  • WEA-RA Successor delegates attend the WEA Representative Assembly in Spokane April 13th through 15th, 2023. Travel days will be April 13th and April 16th.

  • Successor delegates take the place of a delegate if the delegate is unable to attend, arrives late, or leaves during the Assembly for any length of time deemed appropriate by the delegate.

  • Receives transportation, lodging, and a stipend to cover meals and other expenses for RA attendance.

NEA-RA Delegate:

  • NEA-RA delegates represent OHEA at the NEA Representative Assembly in Orlando, FL July 2nd through July 6th, 2023. Travel days will likely be July 1st and July 7th depending on state meetings.